Tested and Proven Tips for Career Success by. Warren Vasquez

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1. Identify Your End Goal

The first step to succeeding in your career is figuring out what your end goal is. Is it advancing within your current position? Is it changing careers altogether?

Whatever it is, by identifying your end goal, you’ll have something tangible to work towards. You can also set a timeframe for your goals and monitor how far you’ve progressed towards them. If circumstances change, or things become too tricky, adjust your targets accordingly.

If you’re just starting out in your career, meanwhile, consider taking a personality test to identify what it is that you’d be good at, and set goals based on your findings.

2. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Although it might be scary to take on a big project, go on a business trip or give a presentation, you should always strive to step out of your comfort zone. Once you get comfortable in a position, you stop advancing, and you stop pushing boundaries. One way around this is to regularly volunteer to do tasks that you usually wouldn’t. Not only will you feel good about what you’ve accomplished, but also more confident – promise!

3. Never Stop Learning

Learning and development are vital in the working world. It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO or an administrator, you should always continue to grow your knowledge, both in and outside of your field. You can do so by reading current news, books, talking to people within your industry or even listening to podcasts. The options are truly endless; what’s important is to have the right mindset and always absorb new information like a sponge!

4. Embrace Failure

Many millennials view failure as something negative; they assume that they’ve let themselves down and will never achieve their targets ever again!

Failure, however, is just a steppingstone; you should own your mistakes and learn from them. Look at all the great entrepreneurs: they have all had their fair share of setbacks before making it big. Take Arianna Huffington for example, the former CEO of HuffPost, who, before launching the popular news site in 2005, had trouble publishing her second book – in fact, it was rejected by 36 different publishers.

5. Don’t Compete with Anyone but Yourself

Having a role model to look up to throughout your career is great, but when this admiration turns into a competition, you’re in trouble! You’ll end up spending all your energy trying to get one over your colleague that you’ll miss opportunities in advancing your career.

Instead, try not to focus on other people’s promotions, salary or previous experience, and learn to be content with your current position.

6. Stay Organised

Staying organised when trying to achieve your career goals is vital; it not only saves time fiddling through piles of paper, but it also helps you stay focused. And while many organisational apps help you stay on top of your A-game, you can’t beat an old-fashioned diary! When managing your career, you should select a method that works for you, and use it to track your work and progress.

7. Eat Healthily

Food is fuel for your brain, and like a car, you need the right gas to keep you going! If you indulge in heavy carbs and sugary foods on a daily basis, you’ll end up feeling lethargic, and you won’t have the right energy to perform to the best of your abilities. If you eat healthier snacks, though, you’ll be a lot more focused and determined.

8. Take Care of Yourself

As well as food, you should also look after your mental wellbeing to avoid burnout. Practise mindfulness, find a good work-life balance and learn to switch off once in a while. Find hobbies to take your mind off work, and just have some fun! When you’re happy in your personal life, you’re more likely to be satisfied at work too.

9. Be a Good Listener

While you might think that having the gift of the gab will get you a golden ticket to advance in your career, you’re sorely mistaken! Having the ability to listen carefully to what your peers are saying is integral. Listening carefully, absorbing information and asking questions will prove useful as you gain more experience and get promoted.

10. Dress for Success

If I haven’t hammered this enough already, here’s another shot!

You should dress for the job you want, not the one you have. The power of clothes is magical, and if you always dress professionally, you’ll naturally be treated with more respect and will be viewed differently. If you arrive to work wearing creased clothes or, worse, tracksuits, you’ll prove nothing other than you have no interest in your job.

11. Be Trustworthy

When people trust you, you’re more likely to be given more responsibilities, and you’ll be at the front of the line when the next promotion comes around.

But what makes a trustworthy employee?

To keep it simple, authenticity and consistency sum up the most essential qualities of a trustworthy person. It’s someone who doesn’t slack, who is always positive, honest and is relied on in a time of need.

12. Work Smarter, Not Harder

While many workers think that burning the midnight oil will help them succeed, the truth is quite the contrary – why work 10 hours, when you can effectively do the same work in 8? The solution is simple: work smarter and not harder. Develop methods to stay focused and power through your tasks without slacking or getting distracted. That way, you’ll have more free time to enjoy outside of work and will generally feel a lot more satisfied.

13. Build Strong Connections

You never know when you’ll need someone’s professional help, which is why it’s important to develop an active list of connections. You don’t want the first time someone has heard from you in five years to be when you’re looking for a new job.

Instead, make genuine friendships with those in your circle and try to help them where you can too. Networkingis a two-way street, and if you can help someone, why not do so?

14. Create Your Own Opportunities

When something doesn’t go your way, don’t sit around and mope about it! Instead, go out there and create your own opportunities. If you can see a gap in the market or a role in your organisation that needs filling, why not bite the bullet and suggest it?

Entrepreneur and businesswoman Huda Kattan did just that when she left a secure finance job to fund her hobby of creating mink eyelashes and professional makeup. She has since advanced from a struggling makeup artist and beauty blogger to a social media sensation in no time and now has a successful brand (Huda Beauty) tucked under her belt.

15. Think of Solutions, Not Problems

While identifying problems is good, you also need to be able to solve those problems. In other words, if you don’t have the solution, it’s pointless highlighting an issue. Instead, shift your mindset to resolve an issue, even when the answer isn’t lying right in front of you. It’s all about thinking on your feet and adapting to the situation you’re in! If you can find this stability, you’ll undoubtedly succeed in your career.

Although you won’t achieve career success overnight, you can get there at a steady pace by following the above tips. You just need to make sure you put in the effort and stay focused on the prize. Don’t let small hurdles knock you off course or deter your interests. Remember: everything is possible once you set your eyes on it!

Have you got any other key pieces of advice to share with fellow professionals? Let us know how you achieved success in your career in the comments section below.

Daily Life Of A Call Center Agent – Warren Vasquez

People and Blog




How is it like in the daily life of a call center agent?

  1. Shifting schedules
  2. Unpredictable clients
  3. Always competitive
  4. Balancing work and life

Call centers in the Philippines are open 24/7. This doesn’t apply exclusively to the most populated and urban areas either—BPO in Cebu, Ilocos, and other provincial areas are growing as well, and working in the industry are call center agents who are the main reasons why the Philippines has earned its recognition as a top call center country.

Call center agents play a major role in the country’s economy. They serve as the bridge between the company they work for and its clients, whether local or international. Their work isn’t easy, but their life isn’t defined by just that. Like everyone else, call center agents have a complex life and are taking it one day at a time.

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It may be just because of their work schedule, but the lives of call center agents are slightly different from others. Their work demands more than just an 8-hour shift daily, and while it appears to everyone else that they can handle this without much effort, they are just humans too and come short at times.

A lot of things can happen in a single day, and to call center agents, the case is true almost all the time—how it is, you will read about in this article.

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Wake up at 9 o’clock, eat breakfast(dinner) and leave at 10. Make it to the office by 11pm, work until 8 or 9am, and arrive home at 10. Sleep at 11 or 12, rinse and repeat until it’s the weekend or my off.

Call center agents would be overjoyed if their work days were like this.

Lazada Philippines

A call center agent could be working a day shift now, and then find themselves working the night shift the next month—or maybe next week. Jobs in the BPO industry are project-based, and if the client you were assigned to was based in a country that’s more than a thousand miles away, you might as well get used to irregular sleeping hours.

Shifting schedules in call centers in the Philippines are, by no means, easy. It takes a lot of time to adapt and can sometimes affect your health negatively. Call center agents should be commended for being able to show up every day, regardless of how many hours of sleep they had.

Unpredictable Clients

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Some people are pleasant to talk with, while others are ones you very much would like to avoid at all costs. Call center agents know this fact by heart.

In their line of work, it is vital that all the necessary information is given to their clients, and they must confirm that there is indeed a complete understanding. Usually, it isn’t the job itself that makes it difficult, but the client.

Some clients understand the situation the first time it is explained to them, while others take almost an hour before even being able to see part of the picture. Other ones are racists, while others are just hostile for no apparent reason.

In any case, this is just another day at the office for call center agents, who have developed into remarkably patient individuals.

Always Competitive

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With all the call center agents in the Philippines, it’s sometimes hard to pick out which ones are outstanding. It is because of this very reason that they always give their all, all the time.

Think of it as friendly competition—each and every call center agent strives to be distinguished as the best but is also always ready to congratulate a colleague for their success.

Getting through a day already requires an immense amount of skill, but call center agents always give something more. They aren’t always rewarded for it, but if they can, they will go the extra mile.

Balancing Work and Life

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Lazada Philippines

Balancing work and life is perhaps the hardest aspect of being a call center agent. You may be unable to attend family gatherings because you work at night, or you may be unable to go out of town with your friends because you have to work a shift during the holidays. Weekend plans have to be canceled sometimes because full 8-hour worth of sleep isn’t enough on some days.

Lazada Philippines

There are a lot of reasons why some call center agents find it difficult to balance work and play. The constant change in their work schedule, the level of effort the job requires, and the necessity to always perform at a high level often tires them out to the point that they’d much rather stay in bed and rest than go out with loved ones.

Granted, call center agents value time much more than others, and are better at managing it. They are always able to guarantee that in a single minute, they are as productive as possible.

Key Takeaway

Being a call center agent is not easy. It may appear to other people that it’s just another job, but the fact is that they always give in the extra effort to show up to work and perform at high levels every day. Call center agents go through difficulties on a daily basis, but this is perhaps what makes them unique—despite all of these factors, they will never give anything short of their best.

Ways To Motivate Yourself To Work Harder. by Warren Vasquez

Blogger, life, Motivational, People and Blog, social media

Lazada Philippines

Have you ever stumbled groggily into work at 9 a.m. on a Monday morning, with a pleasant weekend in the rear-view and five straight days of the office grind staring you in the face?

We’ve all been there before.

And in those moments, even people who love their jobs may have trouble pushing themselves to work at their highest capabilities.

1. Convince yourself you want to do it.

One of the easiest things you can do to motivate yourself is to think of the work you’re about to do as not being so hard, after all.

Marie Stein does this by focusing not on how difficult it will be to achieve her goals but on how good she will feel about her work once it is done.

Lazada Philippines

“Make hard look easy,” Stein writes. “I like that challenge. I like being the kind of person who is capable of that.”

2. Take control.

While it’s easy to be overwhelmed by various personal and professional responsibilities, you can help yourself stay focused by keeping in mind that, at the very least, you are in control of your own actions.

“You are in full control of this power,” Roemmele writes. “In your hands you, can build the tallest building and in your hands you can destroy the tallest buildings.”

3. Surround yourself with other people who are working hard.

No man (or woman!) is an island. In order to pursue your goals with everything you have, it’s helpful to be around other people who are working just as hard.

Whether it’s coworkers who inspire you on the job or a group of like-minded friends you meet up with afterwards, it’s important to have peers who push you to succeed.
Lazada Philippines

“The saying goes, you’re the average of the 5 people you hang out with most — so surround yourself with HARD workers!” says Quora user Bud Hennekes. “Who do you know that is going places? Start hanging around them.”

4. Break up your tasks into smaller tasks.

“Break your hard work into component parts; it makes it easier to see where the obstacles are so you can be prepared to overcome them,”

Indeed, it’s important not only to identify these small tasks, but to pat yourself on the back when you complete them.

“Small wins can appear incremental and rather trivial, but they can boost inner work life tremendously,” . “Furthermore, small wins can accumulate into big breakthroughs.”

5. Stay focused.

It’s difficult to motivate yourself to keep working if you’re not able to concentrate on the task at hand.limiting your exposure to outside distractions by letting people know you won’t always be available to immediately respond to texts, emails, and instant messages.

“If you have trained others that your are always available to respond to requests, you need to retrain them to expect something else,” Abaza writes. “Make it clear to people when you will be available for ad hoc requests and when you aren’t.”

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6. Remember your “why.”

Nothing is more motivating than reminding yourself why you’re doing the work in the first place. Whether you’re building a product you love or simply putting food on the table for your family, it’s crucial that you remain in touch with what inspires you.

Lazada Philippines

“You hear a lot in business about connecting to a ‘vision’ — the ‘why’ of that company,” . “The vision is how the company wants to be positioned. You can set the same standard for yourself as well.”

7. Stay positive.

As anyone will tell you, failure is inevitable, but it’s how you deal with failure that determines whether you will ultimately be successful.

doing what you need to do accomplish your goals, regardless of what others might say about you. He also stresses the importance of making sure you don’t see the success of other people and get down on yourself.
Lazada Philippines

Meanwhile,  focusing on your strengths, rather than dwelling on your weaknesses.

“Building self esteem is about finding out what your strengths are and then developing and building on them,” Your employer would not have given you a job if they did not recognize certain skills in you.”


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Steps for Creating the Life YOU Want

People and Blog



We all aspire to do, be, and have great things. Yet most of us simply haven’t created the successful life we want, yet.

We complain that we don’t have enough money, romance, success or joy in our lives. We point fingers and blame outside problems that “happen” to us and make life more difficult. But what we need to understand and keep at the forefront of our minds is that greatness exists in all of us. It is simply up to us to pull it out of ourselves.

Regardless of personal circumstances, economic climates, and access to resources, it helps to maintain faith in the fact that we each are more powerful than we think. We all have the ability to create the life we want. We just need to learn how to do it.

Is there an exact “formula”? No, but there are certain common features that successful people exhibit and that anyone can practice. They are what can jumpstart your success and attract what you want in life. You’d be hard pressed to find any high achiever who doesn’t live by the following 7 tips:

1. Take No Less than 100% Responsibility for Your Life


One of the greatest myths that is pervasive in our culture today is the idea that you are entitled to a great life – and that somehow, somewhere, someone is responsible for filling our lives with continual happiness, exciting career options, nurturing family time, and blissful personal relationships simply because we exist.

But the real truth is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is you.

Everything about you is a result of your doing or not doing. Income. Debt. Relationships. Health. Fitness level. Attitudes and behaviors. That person who reflects back at you in the mirror is the chief conductor in your life. Say hello!

I think everyone knows this in their hearts, but the mind can play games, tricking plenty of people into thinking external factors are the source of failure, disappointment, and unhappiness. But the truth of the matter is that external factors don’t determine how you live. You are in complete control of the quality of your life.

Successful people take full responsibility for the thoughts they think, the images they visualize, and the actions they take. They don’t waste their time and energy blaming and complaining. They evaluate their experiences and decide if they need to change them or not. They face the uncomfortable and take risks in order to create the life they want to live.

2. Be Clear Why You’re Here

I believe each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take.

They take the time to understand what they’re here to do, and then they pursue that purpose with passion and enthusiasm.

If you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing, tune in to the signals around you. Looking toward others for help and guidance is helpful, but don’t forget to stay tuned in to yourself—your behavior, attitude, likes and dislikes, and life experiences. Identify what’s working and what isn’t. If you need to, write it all down. You might be surprised by what you discover.

3. Decide What You Want

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It sounds so simple, but here’s the problem: I see plenty of people who are overly busy yet who feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. They are physically tired, spiritually drained, and far from where they’d like to be—as if they’ve been running on a treadmill going nowhere fast.

Why? Because they haven’t clearly mapped out what they want and then taken the steps to get there. Rather than identifying specific goals, milestones, and dreams (and I’m talking BIG dreams and goals here), they go through the motions day in and day out tackling unimportant tasks. They end up…you guessed it…going in circles and wasting lots of energy. In the meanwhile, they grow increasingly uninspired and out of touch with their authentic selves. This, of course, sets anyone up to living a life out of balance.

One of the main reasons why most people don’t get what they want is they haven’t decided what they want. They haven’t defined their desires in clear and compelling detail. What does success look like to you? Not everybody’s definition of success is the same, nor should it be.

Don’t let your inner devil’s advocate (or that incessant but unimportant To Do list) inhibit you from dreaming big. As soon as you commit to a big dream and really go after it, your subconscious creative mind will come up with big ideas to make it happen. You’ll start attracting the people, resources, and opportunities you need into your life to make your dream come true. Big dreams not only inspire you, but they also compel others to want to play big, too.

4. Believe It Is Possible

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Scientists used to believe that humans responded to information flowing into the brain from the outside world. But today, they’re learning that instead we respond to what the brain, based on previous experience, expects to happen next. In fact, the mind is such a powerful instrument, it can deliver literally everything you want. But you have to believe that what you want is possible.

As you commit to believing in yourself, also make a commitment to toning down the complaint department. Look at what you are complaining about:

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I’m fat.
I’m tired.
I can’t get out of debt.
I won’t ever get a better job.
I can’t stand the relationship I have with my father.
I’ll never find a soul mate in life.

Really examine your complaints. More than likely you can do something about them. They are not about other people, other things, or other events. They are about YOU.

5. Believe in Yourself

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If you are going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence or self-assurance, it is a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes; the abilities, inner resources, talents and skills to create your desired results.

Have unwavering faith in yourself, for good and bad. Make the decision to believe that you create all your experiences. You will experience successes thanks to you, and you will experience pain, struggle, and strife thanks to you. Sounds a little strange, but accepting this level of responsibility is uniquely empowering. It means you can do, change, and be anything. Stumbling blocks become just that—little hills to hop over.

6. Become an Inverse Paranoid

This one is straightforward: Imagine how much easier it would be to succeed in life if you were constantly expecting the world to support you and bring you opportunity. Successful people do just that.

7. Unleash the Power of Goal Setting

Experts on the science of success know the brain is a goal-seeking organism. Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work day and night to achieve. To engage you subconscious mind, a goal has to be measurable. When there aren’t any criteria for measurement, it is simply something you want, a wish, a preference, or a good idea.

Sometimes we need to make just one initial goal to get started, and that’s okay. At least it comes with a few actions to achieve. A first step simply can be making an immediate change in a single area in your life. Are you unhappy about something that is happening right now? Make requests that will make it more desirable to you, or take the steps to change it yourself.

Remember that self-motivated people win at life so always push yourself to accomplish your goals and learn new skills.


The Inside-Out Guide to Getting Your Skin to Glow.

People and Blog



One of the many perks of my job is the opportunity I get to travel to new destinations and experience new cultures throughout the year. I’m beyond grateful for these experiences, but as with everything in life, they do come at a cost. The biggest cost of all is how it affects my skin.Our skin can often be one of our most neglected areas, despite it being the largest organ on our body. We do, after all, live in it!Aside from the itchy, dry skin that air conditioning on long-haul flights can cause, my skin is constantly exposed to new and often harsh environments when away. This means humidity, dry weather, rain — you name it.Over the years, I’ve really started to take care of my skin. And I’ve noticed a massive difference when I began to look at things from the inside out. Aside from caring for your skin on the surface, often the biggest change can be seen once you start fueling your skin cells from the inside.Here are a few tips for getting your skin to glow from the inside out!

1. What to eat

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We all know the saying, “You are what you eat.” But so few of us really take the time to actually understand and appreciate how the food we put in our bodies affects our overall health, energy, and appearance.

The best way to truly get your skin to glow from the inside out is by ensuring that you’re eating a variety of superfoods. Vitamin C is a powerful superfood and antioxidant. It’s needed to maintain a strong immune system and is a key ingredient in giving you healthy, radiant skin.

Thankfully, it isn’t too difficult to find it in many fruits and vegetables! Besides oranges, you can also get good amounts of vitamin C in blueberries, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, and even sweet potatoes! One easy way to add some of these to your diet is to mix some blueberries in with yogurt or cereal at breakfast.

2. What to drink

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One way I’ve managed to make sure I get enough waterper day — 13 cups for men, 9 cups for women — is to always have two 1-liter bottles of water in the fridge that I sip from throughout the day. Once I’m done with both of them, I know that between those and whatever else I’ve had to drink, my daily water intake is good for the day. And my skin is well-nourished!

Coconut water

A fairly new discovery for me has also been coconut water. Coconut water has intense hydrating properties and is also a good source of vitamin C as well as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

It’s safe to say that I’m now well and truly addicted — and in good company, as I know Victoria Beckham is a fan, too!

Fresh juices

Juices and smoothies are also great for getting various nutrients in one healthy serving. The vitamins and nutrients they contain are good for healing your skin and maintaining its health. To avoid preservatives and added sugars — which can wreak havoc on the skin — try making your own rather than buying from the store.

3. What to put on your face

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Yes, most creams and ointments are technically both topical — but only the very best products revitalize your skin from the inside out, so it’s worth investing in those you know will penetrate the skin and get to work from the inside out!

Air conditioning on long-haul flights can be damaging to the skin, and leave your skin feeling extremely dry and tight when you step off the plane. However, since I’ve discovered sheet masks, my whole skin care travel routine has changed!Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at 9.45.30 AMSheet masks are a little bit less messy than regular masks, as they are already saturated in powerful skin-loving ingredients. All you need to do is pop them onto your face and leave them for 10-15 minutes so it can absorb all of the good stuff. I love the Estée Lauder Double Wear 3 Minute Priming Moisture Mask, which offers nourishment and hydration for clean, smooth, and clear skin.Rather than dealing with the struggle of decanting my bottles to meet the liquid restrictions for carry-on luggage, it’s so much easier to just get comfy, put on a sheet mask, and sit back and relax while watching a film.

Use the right oils for your skin

No one wants to have oily skin, but that doesn’t mean natural oils can’t play a role in keeping our skin healthy. I use Emma Hardie’s Brilliance Facial Oil in the evening so that the hard-working formula can work to repair my skin while I sleep. It smells absolutely beautiful and with nine essential oils including lavender, it is perfect for helping you drift off. You can mix in your oil with a nighttime moisturizer to provide a protective barrier against the cold, harsh air.

If you have dry, flaky skin that reacts to the changing weather, look out for Hyaluronic acid on the ingredients list of any product you use, as it can leave your skin feeling oh so radiant after clearing away all those pesky dry flakes. One of my favorites is the Pestle & Mortar Pure Hyaluronic Serum, which comes in its purest form and targets dehydration, dullness, and fine lines without irritating sensitive skin.

For full body radiance, my go-to is Lola’s Apothecary, who offer an incredible range of sensual, calming, and fragrant oils to take care of your skin. The Delicate Romance Balancing Body and Massage Oil contains 30 percent rosehip oil, which helps to reduce stretch marks, age spots, and fine lines, as well as Argan oil, which boosts radiance and improves skin texture. It’s a rather versatile bathroom staple because you can use it for face, body, hair, and nails. Plus, it smells absolutely incredible, with notes of sweet orange, vanilla, lemon, and rose!

Bottom line

Regardless of how old you are or what your lifestyle is, it’s important to make a conscious effort to look after your skin. The skin you live in is yours forever, so take the time to treat it well. In return, it will take care of you!



My New Years Resolutions/ TIPS For 2018 ( very simple )

People and Blog

Simplehan natin..

As the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins, millions of people around the world will be making resolutions. While the standard forms include losing weight, exercising more regularly, and dropping unhealthy habits. So ito ang mga gusto kong ma achieve sa 2018 maliban sa mga common at the usual na resolution pag new year..

1. Catch Enough Z’s

Getting enough sleep sounds like one of those things that’s incredibly easy to do, yet most people struggle to find the right balance between work and rest.

Not only will getting enough sleep help you feel energized throughout the day, but it will also help you lose weight, think more clearly, stay healthier, and feel more balanced emotionally.

First, start with a resolution about how much sleep you want to get. Then begin by preparing a bedtime ritual that includes limiting screen time before bed, slowly turning down the lights, and performing some relaxation exercises.

2. Get Stuff Done at Home


  • Rare cleanings (like emptying out a closet or cleaning the blinds)
  • Resolve to redecorate a room (or the entire house) in a new style
  • Renovate a room
  • Replace and upgrade a major appliance or furniture
  • Host a certain number of parties
  • Pick a day/time to give away/sell anything you haven’t worn/used in the past year
  • Decide to cut your energy use by a certain percent
  • Set a day to locate and review all your essential documents like property deeds and mortgage papers
  • Scan old photographs so you have a permanent digital record
  • Hold a yard sale
  • Re-arrange the furniture and décor in a room.

3. Take a Selfie in Five Interesting Places


could take these photos in a different city or country, but you could also take the photos in interesting or unusual places around town. Look for murals, street art, buildings with cool or interesting architecture, or in front of your favourite museum, restaurant, or club.

Other fun ideas include photographing yourself in a different part of town, at work (or school), in a park or forest, at a lake or swimming pool, or doing cool activities like fishing, painting, or playing golf.

4. Prune and Grow Your Friends List

Tell me who your friends are and ill tell you who you are… LOL

With the rise of social media, the definition of who is a “friend” has been blurred. Whether it’s your best buddy or just a casual acquaintance, it’s worth taking the time to evaluate whether you want these people in your life.

Philosophers say that we are the sum total of the ten people we spend the most time with – so New Years might be the perfect time to resolve to remove toxic people from your life.

Likewise, it may be time to add new friends who inspire you. Reach out to people you know via personal networks, the office, or on social media and see if they want to meet for a cup of coffee. Choose interesting people that broaden your horizons and help you explore different sides of your personality.

5. Learn Three Great Jokes

No matter what your line of work, you can never go wrong with a good joke. But instead of scrambling to remember that joke you heard once when you were a kid, take the time to master three really good ones that can be used anywhere.

You’ll have to decide whether to go for a short or a long joke, a PC one or a risqué one, but learn three new jokes well so your delivery becomes completely spontaneous. Then, wait for the perfect moment to arise, and you’ll have the whole room laughing.




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Nanlalamig na Pag-Ibig! Paano mo malalaman?

People and Blog

Lazada Philippines

Masarap sa pakiramdam kapag “In-Love” ka. Yan ang kadalasan nadarama at sinasabi natin kapag tyo ay umiibig na. Makikitaan ng mga senyales ang isang tao kapag ito ay umiibig na ika nga. Parang nasa langit ang pakiramdam at ang ngiti sa mukha ay di maalis, tila nakapinta sa mukha. Mamapapansin din na kapag ang isang tao ay laging tulala, tila nasa kawalan ang isip. Meron pa nga nagsasabi na di daw makatulog sa kakaisip ang isang tao sa kanyang iniirog. Pulang pulang ang tigyawat sa ilong. (hehe) Ang gusto ay lagi mo syang nakikita at hinihiling pa na sana ay lagi mo syang kasama na tila ayaw palipasin ang panahon at oras, gusto pang pigilan. Ang iba ay sumusumpa na ibibigay ang lahat maging buwan at bituin ay balak pang kunin sa kalangitan at ibibigay sa kasintahan upang mapatunayan na wagas ang pagmamahal ang sinasambit. llan lang yan sa mga sensyales na makikita kapag ang tao ay in-love nga.

Lazada Philippines


Ikaw, na “In-Love” ka na ba? Ako, OO! Naramdam ko din ang lahat ng ito. Laging magaan ang pakiramdam at di alintana ang mga problemang dumarating. Lahat ay gagawin upang makita at makausap sya kahit sa maikilng panahon lamang, kontento na. Isa sa nagpapatibay ng isang relasyon ang komunikasyon. Subok yan at may katotohanan. Sa panahon ngayon nariyan ang “Mobile Phone or celphone” na halos na yata ng tao sa kasulok-sulukan ng pilipinas ay mayroon. Sa pamamagitan nito, madalas na natin nakakausap ang ating mahal sa buhay, araw man o gabi. Mas madalas na natin silang nakakamusta. Ang gusto ay lagi mo syang ka-text. “Wer n u, d2 na me”… “Sleep na q gud nyt”…“Punta na u la na xa”…” ligo n q, ligo n rin u”… Luv u bebe!… (haha)Maaari din magamit ang celphone upang malaman ang kasalukuyang lokasyon ng iyong kasintahan sa pamamagitan ng makabagong teknolohiya, ang Mobile Tracker. (Tanong nyo na lang sa inyong mobile operator kung paano gamitin ito) Sa ganitong paraan isang pindot lamang maari mo ng malaman kung saang lupalop naroon ang maharot mong GF/Bf. (haha joke!)

Woman and man having an argument in bed

Sa paglipas ng panahon, iyong mapapansain na tila may nagbago sa inyo. Ang tanong, “Paano malalaman na nanlalamig na sa pagibig ang iyong kasintahan? Ang kanyang pagmamahal ay unti unti nang naglalaho. Wala ka nang makitang senyales ng isang “in-love”. Isang katanungan na marami sa atin ay alam ang kasagutan. Ngunit marami din ang hindi alam kung paano malalaman at nangangailangan ng payo ng isang kaibigan. Kung hindi na kayo madalas nag te-text at nagtatawagan? Lagi lang ba syang walang load? O wala ng time mag text at tinatamad na. Masasabi mo ba na nanlalamig na ang iyong GF/Bf?


Lazada Philippines

Ikaw na nagbabasa nito, maari kang magbigay ng iyong saloobin. Maari kang mag share ng iyong kuro-kuro. Paano nga ba malalaman na nanlalamig na sya? Post mo lang ang comment mo! Thanks…

Dahilan kung bakit hindi ka dapat mag mahal ng DALAWA

People and Blog

Kung gago ka basahin mo to ng maigi! Bawal ang TWO TIMER!

Sa panahon ngayon, uso sa kabataan ang mag two-time. Dalawa ang boypren o gerpren. Hindi sila makuntento sa isa. Pero bakit ganun, hindi ba nila inisip na ang isa sa kanila ay masasaktan? Hindi na nila inisip yung mararamdaman ng iba, dahil sarili lang nya ang iniisip nya, p’ano na ang iba? SELFISH KA. Leche!

Hindi mahalaga ang pera o yaman kapag umiibig ka, Hindi mahalaga ang itsura ng tao o kung ano pa man ang taglay nito. Love is Blind ika-nga. Naniniwala ka ba sa salitang yan? Ako? Oo, simula nang matuto akong umibig aminado ako na totoo yan. Kahit ano pang sabihin ng iba sa kinaiibigan mo wala kang pakialam, umiibig ka eh. Anong muang nila sa nararamdaman mo? Hindi nila alam kung pano magmahal yung taong mahal mo dahil ikaw lang ang nakakaramdam nito. Masarap.

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Wag mong lokohin ang sarili mo. Magmahal ka ng tama, wag kulang o sosobra pa, Wag dalawa o higit pa, Tama na yung isa. Wag magmahal ng dalawa dahil mali. Wag mong lokohin ang kapwa lalo na ang sarili. Mali ang magmahal ng dalawa sa parehong panahon, Pano pag eto na yung panahon na isa sa kanila eh kailangan mo ng pumili. Sino sa kanila ang pipiliin mo? Ang una na mahal mo na, O yung bagong Gusto mo at susubukan mong mahalin?

Nakakasawa rin naman kung patuloy kang magmamahal sa isang tao at hindi mo iiwan. Oo, masakit mang iwan ng tao at maiwan kang nag-iisa, pero nakakapagod rin yung patuloy kang masasaktan. Gugustuhin mo bang mangyari sa sarili mo yun? Sinasaktan mo lang ng paulit ulit ang puso mo. 
Magmahal ka ng bago tiyak na ganun rin ang mangyayari sayo. Masarap sa una, pero pag tumagal na ito masasaktan ka rin.
Mahirap magdesisyon pero mas mahirap manloko sa sarili. Tama na yung isang tao sa puso mo. Piliin mo yung taong mahal mo at mamahalin ka pa ng higit sa pagmamahal mo sa kanya.

Very Effective Baking Soda As Mouthwash 

People and Blog

 Why Mouthwash? A good mouthwash is designed to allow you to wash out your mouth in a manner that is quicker and easier to use than using toothbrush. Unfortunately for most of us, brushing our teeth after every meal is not possible, simply because it would involve needing a bowl to spit in, lots of water to rinse our mouth with and a way to carry our toothbrush and toothpaste with us conveniently. Apart from anything else, most people would be quite put off by seeing us properly brushing our teeth in front of everyone every day and it’s not highly socially acceptable when eating out. This then means that you can use a mouthwash more regularly than toothpaste which allows you to kill off the bacteria and the germs inside your mouth after every meal. 

This important step will then be enough to ensure that you drastically limit the negative effects caused by bacteria normally.At the same time mouthwash is able to reach the areas that you can’t reach with a regular toothbrush. By washing your mouth out with a liquid it is possible to clean between your teeth and to get under your tongue and right to the backs of your mouth. Some of these areas you can’t reach with a toothbrush and others are simply too soft and tender for rigorous scrubbing to be a good idea.
Finally mouthwash enables people to very quickly improve the freshness of their breath. Those who struggle with bad breath do so because of the bacteria in their mouths and so by removing the bacteria it is possible to improve the smell. Many mouthwashes will also include some kind of mint or other smell too to replace the odour and leave your mouth smelling fresh. This then means that after a long day someone going on a date or attending an important meeting can quickly freshen up and so make a better impression.
Why Make Your Own?
Making your own mouthwash meanwhile is a very good idea for several reasons. The first is of course expense, and unfortunately many regular mouthwashes will cost you a lot of money to purchase despite running out relatively quickly. If you knew you could make your own very quickly using things around the house in very small quantities then you might be less likely to happily hand over your cash.
At the same time many branded mouthwashes use fluoride and this is a chemical that many people feel strongly against. While it is a strong and efficient way to kill bacteria, many people fear that fluoride could have negative effects on the user, and this is why young children are recommended not to use ‘adult’ toothpaste containing fluoride as one of the main ingredients. By making your own you can be sure of exactly what goes into it and avoid harsh chemicals.
How to Make Mouthwash From Baking SodaSimply add half a spoon of baking soda to a glass of water and then rinse this thoroughly throughout your mouth. Baking soda will neutralise the smell caused by bacteria rather than just covering it up which makes it a highly effective form of mouthwash for those who suffer from bad breath.
If you want to make your mouthwash to be slightly more effective at killing bacteria and preventing infection and gum disease however, you can also add a pinch of salt. This works because sodium (salt) is disinfectant and kills off germs. If you ever get a bad cut then doctors recommend that you dab it with salt water, and so using salt in your home made mouthwash is a good way to keep your mouth infection-free too.
Finally you may wish to add an additional smell or taste to your mouthwash – at this point it might be tasting mostly just like water. Of course you need to avoid lots of sugar, but mint is a popular favourite. To do this, simply add a sprinkling of peppermint to the mixture. Keep this in a bottle in a bag and you can conveniently use as much as you need after each meal or before important social occasions.

Yung Dumi Mo Maaring Gawing Facial Mask ( watch the video ) 

People and Blog

Pampaputi? Pampakinis? Dry skin? Pimples? And many more? Eto lang pala ang pinaka madaling paraan at mura ayun lang kung kakayanin mo ang proseso panuoring ang video kung papaano nanging facial mask ang sariling DUMI o POOP ng tao… 

Papaano nga ba gumawa ng ganito? 

Homemade Poop Facial Mask

Stephen Hung Photography

The World through My Lens

Life and Beyond Everything

An ignorant person with a bad character is like an unarmed robber, but a learned person with a blog is a robber fully armed.